The Quest - Second attempt.

Discussion about Wilbur Smith's Egyptian series.

The Quest - Second attempt.

Postby philios » Fri Dec 28, 2007 8:53 pm

Upon my second reading of "Quest" I am starting to form a re-evaluate my opinion of this story.
I can still see the irrevocable "fantasy" elements that detract from the original essence of the series, but am now forming a picture of the ageing magus, and his personal belief in the magic that the story encompasses.
I see that as Taita grows older (as Wilbur Smith also grows into his later years) his belief in the spiritual elements of life increases, to the point of delusion(sic). I find this particular attribute present in many of the older people that I know.
I realise that many parts of the book breach reality, but I am finding that some of this is conceptual (not all of course).
The various aspects of the Magus taking credit for, or reading spiritual meanings in natural occurances (Lunar eclipse - drying of the nile etc) is still evident and consistant with the previous novels, but now can take on a deeper relevence given his greater understanding of nature and society. This can help me understand somewhat the direction of the novel and give me a different understanding of its meaning.

Again - I am only halfway through, and it was around here that my initial interest started to wane due to the inconsistency and fantasy aspects of the novel.

Of course a lot of the last chapters become a bit of a cryptic fantasy, but seem to be based, in some small way, in reality.
Please discuss.

These are ony opinions off the top of my head!
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Re: The Quest - Second attempt.

Postby Danny Ramone » Tue Jan 01, 2008 12:46 am

I haven't read the book yet but I think you make a good point. In fact I notice in all of his books Mr. Smith puts in alot of themes in his books. Allot of them are things that we can relate to in out own lives.

That being said I cant remember any off the top of my head, but I remember thinking them at the time. :lol:
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Re: The Quest - Second attempt.

Postby Henrik » Tue Feb 19, 2008 6:14 am

I have read all his books (save one) and IMO this is his worst book, with the last book from Egypt as a clear second. But the two first he wrote about Egypt should be somewhere are the other end of the spectre.

This is too much fantasy, and does appeal to me at all. I hope he will write something other than fantasy the next time, so that I can find out if his ability to write has really deteriorated or if it's just me disliking the genre of the two latest novels.
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