Making River God into a film.

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Making River God into a film.

Postby TaitaRules » Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:41 am

Making River God into a film.

I think the River God book should be made into a film. I loved the book and feel a film would be great to watch. Its an interesting story bound with love, violence, deception, honestly, faith, intelligence, and valour, all the things great movies are made from. All the characters are superb, the 'badies' are truly evil and the 'goodies' inspire tantalise you. It would need to have quite a few bits cut out, otherwise the film would be too long but its definatley worth a discussion.

Tell me what you think....
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Re: Making River God into a film.

Postby Nefer » Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:02 pm

I remember a user mentioning that they were working on a RG script, can't recall now where I saw it. I've also bumped a thread of an old discussion we had about a similar topic.

It would be an AWESOME movie - I'd see it if it was done properly. We even had a discussion on who should play the characters and stuff. If I ever win the lottery, part of my winnings will be dedicated to putting a team together to make the movie - my way!
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Re: Making River God into a film.

Postby miwsher » Sat Dec 05, 2009 3:17 am

I think a River God film would be great! But, if I had it my way, I'd avoid all the popular faces as far as possible. It would surely be more popular to include actors and actresses whom moviegoers are already enamoured with, but I think it would ruin the appeal of the characters as they exist in the book.

With a good director and intelligent casting of unknowns, on the other hand, it could be spectacular, serving to introduce scores of new fans to his books.

Another problem would be the length, but considering that the entire story is told over the course of at least two books (The Seventh Scroll doesn't really count, and I don't consider The Quest to be a part of the series at all), it could always be split differently for the movies, and released in the form of a Trilogy for example.
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Re: Making River God into a film.

Postby Nosinra » Sun May 02, 2010 8:26 am

I'd love to see this book made into a movie, this is the second time iv read it & i just cant get over what an awesome adventure it is!!
Though there is a little bit of overkill when it comes to sex in the novel, its nothing good old hollywood editing cant take care of, the story itself is one of the most captivating ones on the market to date.
I'm surprised they havnt made a movie of it yet! (considering all the remakes out there.)
This is something fresh for movie goers everywhere!!! (who love historical fiction like me.)
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Re: Making River God into a film.

Postby bmore » Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:43 pm

A lady friend of mine and myself have read the RG at 6 times a piece and we have never gotten tired of it. The writing is great, colorful, gripping and you feel yourself right there. We laugh at how they made the Seventh Scroll into a movie. It was terrible and Eric Roberts was totally miscasted. We talked numerous times on who would play Tanu with his flowing red mane but it would have to be some unknown. I like the guy that's playing Spartacus, but he's battling a serious disease. (can't remember what) Anyway, I'm hoping that Wilbur Smith will come out with another Egyptian novel soon. I hear he's releasing 'The Peril' next year, so we may have wait until 2012 before another one. Just thinking, who would play Taita?
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Re: Making River God into a film.

Postby johnrogers » Sat Nov 13, 2010 1:29 pm

I very much agree with you that River God would be my choice to make in to a movie.I think it could trancend from text to film and be as mesmorizing as the book was.River God was by far one of the finest adventures I have ever experienced.A lot of books that become movies are a large disappoinment for sure and I would hate to see River God become that.If it were possible to make a movie and do the novel total and complete justice then I would like to see it.The best book to movie I have yet to see that equaled the quality of the book was The Girl With The Golden Tattoo written by Stieg Larrson.The most common thing I tend to hear when people watch a movie based on a novel is -THE BOOK WAS BETTER - I would not care to see that happen with River God - the book was just to darn fantastic to be ruined by a bad movie
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